When I did understand the extent of their interferance in my life.... I became intent on defying them in any way possible. I have a definate -- you fuck with me, I will do everything in my power to give as good as I get. And I owe a lot of people a good kick in the fucking balls. Starting with Bush and Cheney. I am not a peace-nik on the surface, but underneath my pragmatic violence, is an innocent longing for peace. I believe that certain people will not respond to reason, period. They will do anything they can to get their way, including crime and violence. The only way to respond to people like that is with crime and violence... that is, unless the courts actually come through and charge THIS GOVERNMENT'S CRIMINALS... WHO THE FUCK DO THESE POLITICIANS -- INCLUDING OBAMA == THINK THEY FUCKING ARE.... THEY CANNOT DENY US JUSTICE ON SOME FUCKING WHIM.
I do NOT TRUST OBAMA. IF HE IS AN HONEST POLITICIAN, HE WILL WIN OUR VOTE WITH REASON, NOT TRUST..... TRUSTING ANYONE IN THE POLITICAL EYE IS A GAMBLE, BECAUSE WHAT YOU SEE ON TV, WHAT IS RELEASED TO THE PRESS, IS A SMOOZE.... A con. A svengali. We needed such a man to fight them. Obama can Svengali with the best of them, and as long as he is on our side, more power to him.
He is going to need to be pressured to act. The neo cons are putting all kinds of pressure on him to act certain ways, and the liberals have to be just as persistent in their pressure. We are larger than they are, much more powerful, and able to pull together an alleigence of anyone who wants justice, which in the states is most everyone except criminals and politicians (as far as allowing Cheney to get off for that death squad he was running... the man should be tried and executed for such an action. He is not a soldier. He is a coward, a bully who loves having power to weild. A sickening, sleazy man who would have ever only entered the white house on the coatails of some pretty boy cheerleader who appealed to the big wallets... some smug bastard who wouldn't even know he was their chump..... from a famous family... even a drunk. And we got Bush.
I care less about what Bush did, then I do about Cheney. If the armed forces and the intelligence agencies find a target, then they should take them out. However, this man circumvented all of the checks and balances built into the intelligence community....
We are talking about people who do dastardly deeds around the globe to keep their political stance -- pro business, basically, safe around the globe. People who have run death squads inthe past... and Cheney was too sleazy to think they would approve of his dark plans.
History is going to eviscerate these men, and they will be vilied in text books across the globe for the shit they have done. Bush and Cheney will take their place alongside the torturers and murderers, along with Reagen, at least. They have nothing another person would call honor.
I am pain in that campaign, the one who will threaten violoence.... or better yet, see it coming and know I cannot stop such rage. This is why I always deligate as much authority as I can.
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