only 51%
OF PEOPLE IN THE LAND OF THE FREE (to be deluded and lied to) USA
This is down from 71% in 2007....
RIGHT into our graves
did a subsonic order go out
the alarm clock for some deep seated hypnotic suggestion
drilled in
by subliminal messages
inserted into tv shows
telling us all to cram crayons up our nose
for a makeshift lobotomy?
Did the message of Apocalypse sink so deep into our collective mind
that the POLLUTING of the earth seems the will of the Gods?
Is there a cabal that believes they are playing their parts in a prophesy
by pushing the earth toward the fiery end?
Is the damage so great
that we have to deny the fate of the Polar Bears and Penguins
and the thousands of species already gone baby gone
to get on with the day to day drudgery
to chain the creature that wants to destroy all man has wrought?
Do Exxon and the Neo-Con Insurgency
lobby for Revelations with the religious right
buy up all the prosperity ministers
to spread their message to the KNOWN GULLIBLE?
only the oil companies and big polluters want you to believe
everything is fine
to act otherwise would be bad business...
and after all to them it is 'just business,' as they say
'nothing personal' as they say
to put out a few ad's pretending they have no responsibility for their sins
is 'good' business
the hockie scenes are enough to get a few believers
who are propped up by their perfectly legal purchase of politicians
the strip miners and oil barons have a market that forgives them
with the patience of a Saint
name anything they can get away with
or buy their way out of
--so far that means anything from murder on down...
has our xenophobia just gone wild
as the internet and tv force us to confront all the cultures of the globe?
has our hatred for other races and religions and sexes
grown into a prevailing urge
rationalized in all languages and with every religion
to take out our enemies and kill ourselves afterwards?
could be the plain old too banal
to even write about in the times
ability of Big Money to subtly manipulate our beliefs
by dangling the sparkling and coveted beads in our face
20 minutes for every 40 of tv?
start out as children
reaching for toys in tv screens
and end up dressed exactly as the people in our favorite shows
are told
he best of us
are never satisfied
asked on our job applications if we get a gold star for being Money Motivated?
the republicans keep 71% of their constituents
duped on this GREENHOUSE
have to...
no one is so cheap that they wouldn't pay taxes to save the planet
I always think if they only got people who they represent
to vote for them
the .oo1 percent that they take their orders from
they would all be thrown off office
leave it to the conservatives to make a bi-partisan issue out of survival
could anything make their agenda more obvious
that they fight for a powerful minority
whose interests contradict 99% of the planet's population
they are actually fighting against the health of the planet
their true agendas are achingly obvious to anyone
who is not attending their pep rallies
who hasn't been brainwashed and beaten down into the Fraternity.
or bought
mystical spells are woven to hide the truth
as they march us into the death camp
scientific denial will get you no where but dead...
that at least has been proven to all
we would not all come out and deny medical doctors claims
about pancreatic cancer
but every boof on the street
has an opinion on the Greenhouse
which if you read up on it you kind of realize that anyone who is against it hasn't
or they've been lied to
or outright bought by vested interests
who have playing that pr game for generations
out of sight
behind closed doors
in private rooms where they grow their own politicians
con men always sway the masses with religious cadences
and charts that hide the lurking ponzi's
the politicians and pundits
play a symphony of what is best in us
our charity and bravery and sense of justice
reduce our free will to Pavlovian responses
triggered by symbols
buried in speeches and car ad's
use us as notes for a concert
played for the ears of their Dark Lords alone
our passions expended on the ethereal ethics of the moment
pulling that handle in the voting booth and squirting our load all over that machine
we head home tired
look around at all we have
wonder how the house is going to take the coming floods
what the waters will sweep away?
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