A blood soaked Arthur IS RISING

Gonzo journalism and fiction is a tricky mix.... Welcome to my razor's edge.


I am an elf in the attic making mind toys with sharp edges; an educated writer who gets good reviews, who you can read for free in the rough form of first drafts on the web, or purchase in a book form.
The best soldier does not attack. The superior fighter succeeds without violence. The greatest conqueror wins without struggle. The most successful manager leads without dictating. This is intelligent non aggressiveness. This is called the mastery of men.


Welcome to you, I am John Scott Ridgway, Novelist, Poet, Blogger, Radio and TV writer and actor... five books, also paint in oils and acrylics. I am poet warrior of sorts, a non violent radical, personally, though understanding of those who choose other paths IN THE EIGHTY PLUS COUNTRIES AT LAST COUNT THAT came in this blog ...

The predicted revolutions in the USA and around the would are going to

be violent in the next twenty years, is what the CIA says. I want them to stay peaceful, which is the only way to win this struggle between haves and have nots. They have more guns, we have more people,, and they include the mothers and sisters and brothers of the people they will ask to fight us.... I think they underestimate the police.

NEVER ACCEPT APPEASEMENT OVER JUSTICE. By any means necessary is the reality. . . the USA can be spared stupid wars, but other countries. . . need different solutions. . .

The number of Countries that have come in to have a look at this blog humbles me. Thank you very much.



PROFESSIONALS, HOPEFULLY, like the police, military, etc...

understanding that violence is sometimes needed

does not mean I like anything about the sound

of fists hitting faces

Boxing is too much for me

make me feel like I am watching

dog fights with toothless pitbulls

"I am an artist first, and a politician second," as John Lennon said.

My intentions are to stop the violence from entering into

revolutionary wars

the CIA


will break out in the next twenty years all over the

world, including here...

But Ill tell ya,

if there is not some redistribution of

wealth here there and everywhere




My intentions is to keep these protests peaceful

so we can win

without bloodshed

Total War for Total Peace

Never incites violence

or destroys property

you should be able

to go to protests with strollers and babies

parents feeling as safe as the police

Now, poetry...

I am too far out into the battlefield to retreat. This CHARGE is win or die...


A blood soaked Arthur has risen

be aware

be very aware

total war
for total peace
is being fought

THERE will be many ways to die
and only one to live
give and give and give
until the worlds downtrodden and oppressed
can begin to forgive
before things get bloody and ruthless
My Peace sign shot full of holes
and my reason ignored
drowned out by the roar of machine guns

You cannot break the golden rule
all the time and not expect
consequences from nature

we will fight for our right to thrive as well
we do not accept your sentence
to poverty so you can earn more
by shipping the factory off to China

nothing this mindgame in america can do to us
can destroy this thing inside that yearns for freedom
enough to die in the name of JUSTICE
generation after generation
from time

No more hyper-reality FOR US. We have already spent too long in an oasis of belief where nothing is wrong, folks... Now, we must face this was all a mirage... and try like hell to get out of this desert... or resolve ourself to the fact that we will leave our children to starve in the barren sands.

There are better ways to defeat an enemy than an outright fight, especially if you are vastly outnumbered, like the Elite. MSM PSY-WAR allows them to control our actions through our thoughts, and basically stop our FORCE from activating. I am not saying we should fight just because we can win, I am just saying we should fight before we lose, if no other option is left us.... because a world is at stake.

  • You are a spark in dry timber, stopped from becoming a roaring flame
    They SET UP LAWS THAT ALLOW THEM TO STEAL. MURDER. BRAINWASH THEIR CRITICS. We must begin to feel challenged now to stop them. Or WE WILL LOSE EVERYTHING. PERIOD. THE SKY, OTHER SPECIES, OUR WATER... OUR MINDS. No more hyper-reality for us... too long in that oasis where nothing is wrong folks... we must face this is all a mirage.
    • OUR LACK OF RESOLVE TO CHANGE OUR WORLD MUST PUZZLE THE GODS THEMSELVES.... how can we be this collectively dum? And if we are....then the brains will be looked to as potential saviors.... when all too often they are just psocyo-paths and stooges and scared folks under the gun who are ALLOWED to CON EVERYONE... FOR THE GOOD OF A

A cruel slap woke me to the PAIN
at the moment of birth;
My first cry was NO
buried in unintelligible screams.
I am a man now.
Now I catch your hand and break all the fingers.

the promise

You must be whoever the enemy fears the least
or fears the most.

No other position is saf

da general

Welcome to the spark that inflames TOTAL WAR FOR TOTAL PEACE.

I am too far out into the battlefield to retreat. This CHARGE is win or die...

THE ELVES ATTIC is stories, poetry, essay's, peculiar events in my life . . . oil painting, articles.

Your patience for bearing with me on my first drafts is a much appreciated kindness. Your worldwide interest is my muse . . .Lately I have been writing a book called Gangsta General x, about a revolutionary in the USA, who is fighting to keep the revolt peaceful as things spin out of control in the states after a famine gets the populace hungry enough to change their society once and for all....

HOW TO USE THIS BLOG: There is a black and white jukebox in the right column that you can shut off, or find songs on.... To listen to the COMEDY SKITS FROM THE SHOW PEACE AND PIPEDREAMS... turn off the black jukebox, and turn on the Green one. I play Moon Bong Haze and Jesus...

I have five majors, five books, two tv shows, a radio show, 76 countries at last count on this site alone, and over a million online readers to my credit. I can't thank any of you enough for all of your help and encouragement over the years; the favors and aide that has been offered me, the trust in my leadership... you are all SACRED TO ME ... even you folks I tend to hate.


Thank you.


Johnny Pain Mocks Again....

Hey kids, slapst-stick serial killer, Johnny Pain here... Sorry I haven't been in writing up my latest kills in here, but it's been difficult now that Democrats are in control of everything. As you know I only kill for liberal causes and annoyance, having a bad day, poor service at drive thru's and other victimless crimes.

During the Bush years, I knew my place. And even though i was killing a lot of Bushes supporters, as long as he was bogging weed from me, he just tacked the deaths up to 'collatoral damage of civilians,' which he has been convinced is the killing of some sort of vicious, middle eastern pitbull that is menacing our troops. Cheney had an entire dictionary made up just for Bush so when he asks someone to look up at word he doesn't understand (which anyone who was sane in the room pretended they were puzzling over as well, to avoid being suspected of speaking 'disguised French Stuff,' which Bush suspects any three syllable word of being... more syllables than that, and he starts babbling about ALeins trying to contact him again...).

The alleged, Dictionary, officially titled, Cheney's Big Book Of Black Magic For Children (written in the comic book form that Bush demanded as a condition of his having to read like 'a goddamned peasent), is responsible for the belief, which Bush still has, that one year after invading Iraq, total victory was secured.

Obama has called for an immediate release of all Comic Books fed to Bush during his years, because, to quote the shiny new president, "I might as well see what Rush Limbaugh's Think Tank -- the Flying Liars, is telling all of his fans. The Republicans are so desperate right now that they are attempting to recruit among the three months to two year old crowd. I do not think nursery school is the proper place for Children to learn about Wally The Waterboard, Shocky The Battery Who Attaches to Testicles... I mean, they describe Extrodinary Rendition as 'like a free trip to disney world, where all the rides make the terrorists like kids again."

Obama went on to express his disgust with some of the decorating changes to, of all things, the oval office bathroom. "Look, I know that Bush required a 21 gun salute after a successful Bowl Movement, and quite frankly, with this man's known love of farting in people's face and screaming, "Skull and Bowels, buddy, Skull and Bowels..." Well, these soldiers have suffered enough from this duty. And Bo, well, he has been having some problems in this area, so I am sending the Bowel Squad out to make sure Bo knows he is a good puppy when he makes Poo."

When This reporter asked if there was anything else about Bush that annoyed him, obama answered when the sustained laughter at the press conference died down enough, "Well, the satanic symbols everywhere are a little annoying. Not to mention the Horrorscope booths everywhere, which we were left from Nancy Reagen. Another thing a lot of people did not know about Bush was that he was strangling a lot of hookers down in Nixon's Old Bowling Alley. I understand this is just a cultural difference between myself and the neo-cons, and in the spirit of bipartisianship I do not want to look back on this sad chapter... well, basically Michelle said no, okay... so, our weekly Guy''s Nut Out is going to be limited to more down to earth entertainment, like snuff films... the latest weird torture videos from the CIA, you know. Having a good time and relaxing does not require hookers.... yea, you got me, more orders from Michelle. "

When I asked about the Spock ears, which Obama has refused to take off since seeing an advance screening of Star Trek, the president took a deep breath, stared off toward the ceiling in a manner his handlers tell him is presidential, and answered, "These ears were signed by Leonard Nimoy, who Michelle has had a crush on since she was a ittle kid.. " When Michelle, who was standing beside him at the podium poked him in the ribs and sent him a withering glance, The President amended his statement to add, "Okay, I think they look better than my ears. As a kid, I respected anyone who could make it with bigs ears. And, other than a few puppets, Nimoy was it.. this led to a lot of thinking about how if I always wore Spock Ears, people would think I have small ears underneath. See.... it all makes such perfectly logic, presidential sense."

When asked once again about when he is going to get around to legalizing pot, Obama gave what has become his stock 'weedy giggle' whenever mentioning stoning... hey, if we legalized this stuff that I have been getting... or reading about, I guess... you know smelling in the younger staffs offices and stuff.... and no, this is not why I am always burning incense in the oval office. Why are you asking this anyone.... are you, you know, holding man? Because if you are... search him. Yes, look what the secret service man is holding up. Say, officer stevens, what is that green stuff? Looks like pure up Hawaiin sir. Sticky, smelly... wow, this is some skunk."

The president then had the bag brought up for a presidential inspection, where he took a long sniff from the bag and announced, "This is a Vietnamese strain, southern provinces.... a guy named Pello... very unique red hairs on this, too. Reminds me of something. Oh, well. That's enough talking about those stoners. I could never, or so I have been told, get away with just legalizing pot entirely, though I am looking into starting a small country up in the attic,with a lot of black light posters and stuff, that will be declared the Free Republic Of Bongdom... which is a band I was in for awhile in college."

Check out all of my blogs by googling my name, John Scott Ridgway

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one of my very sorry little attempts to show my oil paintings, pets, girl...

a new mural in rodgers park... and picking up poo and sniffing pee

m and i take a trip down to the bean sculpture... here in Chicago...

Click on the side of the videos and it should take you to utube, where you can view the entire video.

Ruby dog fights the mighty dash... click on video to watch at utube

Thank YOU for over a half million hits at my various sites ... new counter.

one war

The collected john scott ridgway

The collected john scott ridgway
a demented little entry into philosophy, humour and redemption.,

the elves attic

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