Fucking, eh, people... would you turn away from your doctor because he is Educated? Cause they Got that book learnin', they do... Can't trust them books. They can say anything with them there books.
Let me just put this a way that those who are moving away from Educated Opinions will understand -- someone who is educated in a topic knows more than an amateur. Amateur's fill the newscastes, and they are known for being terrible at explaining science -- ask any scientist, and they will tell you, what it takes three courses to learn, cannot be explained in a few paragraphs in a dummied down newspaper.
People are simply being manipulated now. We need to entrench. Tell those who are against science to get real. There is no 'educated class.' There are people who have opinions based on others opinions, and there are those who base their opinions on facts -- that is what education does to you. You are challenged again and again by prof's to think properly, to use critical thinking facilities.
This list of factors why people are shifting right, makes no sense at all. Unless you view it through the prism of critical thinking.
Critical Thinking came to me, finally, in college. Before that, I did not know enough to footnote my beliefs with honest to God Facts. Part of being educated is that it makes it harder to lie to you... anyways, this critical thinking mechanism is not triggered in a lot of people. They accept what they hear first and stubbornly avoid any facts that diminish their world view. Giving over our critical thinking to other people saves us a lot of research, not to mention honest soul searching.
This is exactly the mix to get another Hitler in power.
Now, why are people moving away from the so-called educated class, anyways? And what does that mean,that they think the Republicans are less educated than the Democrats (which is true), and that is a good thing? The uneducated's bible learning hasn't been demon infested by all them crazy theories about evolution, is that it?
I guess if I was uneducated I could just look at this list and go, "Them fucking egg heads. They can't do nothing, right. Always using them big words trying to look impressive, because why else would they say all them words nobody knows? They sure as hell ain't talking to me."
This is not just people being bummed that Obama couldn't use Alien Forces To Make The World Eden In A Year... something more is here. A back-lash against reality itself. They act like if they do not believe in the Greenhouse, that it will go away. Or since it was cold this winter, it was all a lie, all those decades of rising warmth are just so many words on doctored reports. What the hell? Do people really think that scientists make up their own facts all the time? They walk down that path seeking new truths, not social planning for the gnomes of Bilderberg. Yes, there are secret societies and shameless backroom deals in this world, but the Green house effect is hardly one of them. In this scenario, Obama is a mere puppet. Come on... people.
I mean, part of being educated is having your reading steered by people who study books, and have tried to find the most edifying paths for your mind. They weed out a lot of the crazy crap, the blind paths that others have gone down -- they are very against reinventing the wheel, which is the problem with going off and learning about the world on your own. But mostly, education is about learning to think. Some majors more so than others, obviously.
To pretend that Educated people are more deluded, flies in the face of history. Where the hell would we be if this attitude actually won out? We know, actually, because it has happened all over the globe. Tyrants who killed off the teachers and the intellectuals first, because they would be the hardest to brainwash.
Man. What a good lesson for the kids. Go to college, we tell them, though be prepared to have a viewpoint that most people will not share, and know that your politics will be defeated over and over by propagandists, working for the financial elitists, who will manipulate the uneducated masses. Yes, try explaining that to the kids.
What the hell, why not make a law that kids can quit school at twelve, after they learn to read and do math good enough to run a cash register, but not well enough to feel a need to read other than the bible and those faith for dummies books on the topic at Christian bookstores. We need bumper stickers saying, 'MY KID IS NOT SOME GODDAMNED HONOR STUDENT.' "Educatin is for Pussies" could be a big t-shirt.
Now, I know that self-education cannot be underestimated, and that not everyone who supports these issues has been to college. Human rights does not take a masters degree to understand, or even a grade school eduction. What is sad is that people refuse to learn. Refuse to look at all of the facts with a willingness to reassess their beliefs, like one does in college. The world is way too complex to simply put your head in the sand and say "We are not going to listen to the experts." How the hell did this country get to this juncture?
I think Obama needs to get his face out there again, to start appearing all over the place, going on talk shows, etc... getting his message, once again, directly to the people, instead of having it watered down and manipulated by the media. When I try to imagine what life is like for him now, I am sure I fail, but I can sniff out the obvious and have no qualms about writing it, as my work proves again and again much to my chagrin. He must feel a sense of betrayal in a way. Some say he betrayed the left, but I think they underestimate the reality of politics, and presidential power. He wants to change this country fundamentally, and that is not going to happen overnight, especially with the Republicans fighting him out of uneducated, pure and simple partisanship.
I am glad Obama announced today his new initiative to produce 10,000 science and math teachers... but you can bet the uneducated are thinking, "Yer not making my kid into some hell bound liberal Muslim lover who believes in fucking science!! See what Obama is doing, he's forcing the view of that damn educated class on our kids!"
Read it and weep....
This from the NYT
The public is not only shifting from left to right. Every single idea associated with the educated class has grown more unpopular over the past year.
The educated class believes in global warming, so public skepticism about global warming is on the rise. The educated class supports abortion rights, so public opinion is shifting against them. The educated class supports gun control, so opposition to gun control is mounting.
The story is the same in foreign affairs. The educated class is internationalist, so isolationist sentiment is now at an all-time high, according to a Pew Research Center survey. The educated class believes in multilateral action, so the number of Americans who believe we should “go our own way” has risen sharply.
A year ago, the Obama supporters were the passionate ones. Now the tea party brigades have all the intensity.
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