The laws I am going to propose must be simple, and attainable. Not easily attainable. . . just attainable, with a clear path from here to there. Campaign finance reform would immediately allow candidates to run who have no corporate affiliation. This new class of politician could come from academia, business, education, etc... instead of the lawyer, millionaire track that is presently causing the interests of most to be under-represented, if at all.
The entire political class has become leashed to corporations. Their followers work under the auspices of getting jobs, or out of miss--placed celebrity worship. Others are merely manipulated.
Convincing people who have an open mind that the best solution is the best solution, despite which political spectrum it falls on, even those that have been demonized after being used as a cloak for fascists again and again, is easy. I am easily convinced of something that is right, and love being proven wrong... the point is to be right, not hold on out of misguided ego. I was student long enough to learn this a thousand times.
Right now the people are being turned against each other more than ever. The Immigrants, the Muslims, the Blacks, people on Disability and Welfare, etc . . . the only thing they have in common is their lack of power and representation in government. This is no co-incidence. If you have no one who has been vetted by the corporations who will speak for you, you become a victim. This is a great incentive for people who know better to get into the system and try.
A top of $100 dollars in contributions, lowering the insane amount of signatures to get on the ballot, require free all spectrum debates, televised and otherwise. Not so insane. Easily achieved. If you can organize people around an issue that will help them, and not the corporations. This will be difficult because they have all the power and money, and that is still what it takes right now.
This is where my fear comes in. If this does not happen... there will be a war. The Tea Party is run by shills and boofs. Sooner or later, a guy like me is going to come to prominence in one of those groups.... A guy who will not hesitate to do whatever it takes. Then... who knows what they will propose? I see a blood red country. I just want campaign finance reform. I truly think this would be enough. They will never give it to us, though...
Like everything the people get, we will have to fight for it one way or the other. People across america took the victories the unions made with retirement and wages and job security for granted, just figured they would last. They forgot that freedom requires a constant struggle. There is always someone waiting to snatch it away the second you let down your guard.
Freedom requires constant vigilance. We let down our guard... the only thing we can do is regroup and pray it is not too late.
hey buddy ima gon rite u an email...