A blood soaked Arthur IS RISING

Gonzo journalism and fiction is a tricky mix.... Welcome to my razor's edge.


I am an elf in the attic making mind toys with sharp edges; an educated writer who gets good reviews, who you can read for free in the rough form of first drafts on the web, or purchase in a book form.
The best soldier does not attack. The superior fighter succeeds without violence. The greatest conqueror wins without struggle. The most successful manager leads without dictating. This is intelligent non aggressiveness. This is called the mastery of men.


Welcome to you, I am John Scott Ridgway, Novelist, Poet, Blogger, Radio and TV writer and actor... five books, also paint in oils and acrylics. I am poet warrior of sorts, a non violent radical, personally, though understanding of those who choose other paths IN THE EIGHTY PLUS COUNTRIES AT LAST COUNT THAT came in this blog ...

The predicted revolutions in the USA and around the would are going to

be violent in the next twenty years, is what the CIA says. I want them to stay peaceful, which is the only way to win this struggle between haves and have nots. They have more guns, we have more people,, and they include the mothers and sisters and brothers of the people they will ask to fight us.... I think they underestimate the police.

NEVER ACCEPT APPEASEMENT OVER JUSTICE. By any means necessary is the reality. . . the USA can be spared stupid wars, but other countries. . . need different solutions. . .

The number of Countries that have come in to have a look at this blog humbles me. Thank you very much.



PROFESSIONALS, HOPEFULLY, like the police, military, etc...

understanding that violence is sometimes needed

does not mean I like anything about the sound

of fists hitting faces

Boxing is too much for me

make me feel like I am watching

dog fights with toothless pitbulls

"I am an artist first, and a politician second," as John Lennon said.

My intentions are to stop the violence from entering into

revolutionary wars

the CIA


will break out in the next twenty years all over the

world, including here...

But Ill tell ya,

if there is not some redistribution of

wealth here there and everywhere




My intentions is to keep these protests peaceful

so we can win

without bloodshed

Total War for Total Peace

Never incites violence

or destroys property

you should be able

to go to protests with strollers and babies

parents feeling as safe as the police

Now, poetry...

I am too far out into the battlefield to retreat. This CHARGE is win or die...


A blood soaked Arthur has risen

be aware

be very aware

total war
for total peace
is being fought

THERE will be many ways to die
and only one to live
give and give and give
until the worlds downtrodden and oppressed
can begin to forgive
before things get bloody and ruthless
My Peace sign shot full of holes
and my reason ignored
drowned out by the roar of machine guns

You cannot break the golden rule
all the time and not expect
consequences from nature

we will fight for our right to thrive as well
we do not accept your sentence
to poverty so you can earn more
by shipping the factory off to China

nothing this mindgame in america can do to us
can destroy this thing inside that yearns for freedom
enough to die in the name of JUSTICE
generation after generation
from time

No more hyper-reality FOR US. We have already spent too long in an oasis of belief where nothing is wrong, folks... Now, we must face this was all a mirage... and try like hell to get out of this desert... or resolve ourself to the fact that we will leave our children to starve in the barren sands.

There are better ways to defeat an enemy than an outright fight, especially if you are vastly outnumbered, like the Elite. MSM PSY-WAR allows them to control our actions through our thoughts, and basically stop our FORCE from activating. I am not saying we should fight just because we can win, I am just saying we should fight before we lose, if no other option is left us.... because a world is at stake.

  • You are a spark in dry timber, stopped from becoming a roaring flame
    They SET UP LAWS THAT ALLOW THEM TO STEAL. MURDER. BRAINWASH THEIR CRITICS. We must begin to feel challenged now to stop them. Or WE WILL LOSE EVERYTHING. PERIOD. THE SKY, OTHER SPECIES, OUR WATER... OUR MINDS. No more hyper-reality for us... too long in that oasis where nothing is wrong folks... we must face this is all a mirage.
    • OUR LACK OF RESOLVE TO CHANGE OUR WORLD MUST PUZZLE THE GODS THEMSELVES.... how can we be this collectively dum? And if we are....then the brains will be looked to as potential saviors.... when all too often they are just psocyo-paths and stooges and scared folks under the gun who are ALLOWED to CON EVERYONE... FOR THE GOOD OF A

A cruel slap woke me to the PAIN
at the moment of birth;
My first cry was NO
buried in unintelligible screams.
I am a man now.
Now I catch your hand and break all the fingers.

the promise

You must be whoever the enemy fears the least
or fears the most.

No other position is saf

da general

Welcome to the spark that inflames TOTAL WAR FOR TOTAL PEACE.

I am too far out into the battlefield to retreat. This CHARGE is win or die...

THE ELVES ATTIC is stories, poetry, essay's, peculiar events in my life . . . oil painting, articles.

Your patience for bearing with me on my first drafts is a much appreciated kindness. Your worldwide interest is my muse . . .Lately I have been writing a book called Gangsta General x, about a revolutionary in the USA, who is fighting to keep the revolt peaceful as things spin out of control in the states after a famine gets the populace hungry enough to change their society once and for all....

HOW TO USE THIS BLOG: There is a black and white jukebox in the right column that you can shut off, or find songs on.... To listen to the COMEDY SKITS FROM THE SHOW PEACE AND PIPEDREAMS... turn off the black jukebox, and turn on the Green one. I play Moon Bong Haze and Jesus...

I have five majors, five books, two tv shows, a radio show, 76 countries at last count on this site alone, and over a million online readers to my credit. I can't thank any of you enough for all of your help and encouragement over the years; the favors and aide that has been offered me, the trust in my leadership... you are all SACRED TO ME ... even you folks I tend to hate.


Thank you.


mapping out the various narratives....

I came to a firm decision this week to stop writing on facebook, where I have developed various characters and story lines, as well as tried to explain my situation, or what I know of it.   The forum is not working because I have too many characters, including just my own comments.  Some of what I write about  is so obscure that few will get it...  I kind of forget this.   This is why taking what I write out of context leads to confusion.   And I am sowing such confusion on Facebook, whether i mean to or not.  The only way to get control of all the narratives again is blog and book.

Growth is the essence to keeping me interested in my own writing.   I learned a lot on Facebook, but the social interaction without editing is something I need to stay away from for now.

 I am embarrassed to say I stupidly, for one day, ran out of my medication, due to snow and the pharmacy being closed and procrastinating, and ended up drinking some rum to kill my pain enough.   I cannot tell you how many years it has been since I did this.  I mean, I can't drink on my medication and have been on it ten years.    It is not a very good alternative, and i should never write anything when I am drinking.   It is the worst poetry....  sometimes I know what I was thinking, sometimes not.   I am no Bukowski.'  One of the reasons I easily gave up drinking was it got in the way of writing, actually.  

Anyways, what I am writing about is being misinterpreted too much.  I want to make sure that I have control of all of my metaphors, and am being clear.   I guess with the revolutionary prose, and the usual addled violence in my work, I have to make sure there is a legal distinction going on.  I write about a guy who has a lot of vd and reads sports that he hates, and played him on the radio....  I have no diseases, okay?

I have been writing books on line for years now.   Long ones, well reviewed.  A novella.  Two books of poetry, a huge volunm of short stories.  I put them up here, or a lot of my them....   I add some stuff to the final product,  to add context and readability to the story.

People are very sensitive this week, after a congresswoman and others who shot and murdered by one of the most psychotic sounding individuals to get the media spotlight in awhile.  Paranoid.   On edge.   No one is to blame for this guy's behavior, unless it is the mental health officials who, due to severe budget cuts in that state, let this obviously disturbed man act without any guidance...   and I would not blame them, because they do not have the resources.   

I hate that this person can slander anyone who is slightly similar to them, or speaks with Metaphors of War.   The mugshot they keep showing has a leering psycho.  But...  he does.  Brings home the sickening reality of what violence really is -- not the glamorous tv stuff at all...  no, just horrible.  

I have decided that I am going to move back to fiction, and give up on the pundit/radio work entirely for about a year.   I have too many books coming out of me right now to set them aside and do something that is not as important.

The internet and being on line may be the future, but there is still something about being able to stretch out into a book and all the nuances of that, the way you enter a fictional dream that is sustained.   That is what I have wanted to do my entire life, and was doing.  Of late I have been exposing that process to people on the web, writing various places.

Now I have too many notes to not stop, compile them, and get back to my  work.

One reason I need to do this is monetarily.   I have been neglecting the business side of my work.  Irresponsible of me, and I regret it.   I will feel better if I withdraw back into polishing what I am doing for awhile.

I have been trying to write on various different levels, to various different people.  Even on Facebook.  Once in awhile I would write something that I knew only a few people would get, very inside jokes...  or not jokes. References to something that happened during the intelligence work.     The problem becomes that without the context of the character who is saying the words, Facebook begins to seem to blend them all into one person, who is me..

This leaves me once again with the old dilemma about writing about a serial killer.  I am no serial killer because I write jokingly about one.   I do not think they are cool, the real ones, not at all.  Their presence sickens me so much that I have to make light of them to deal with knowing about their twisted ways.

I am sick of my various characters getting confused with me in real life.  This is why compiling them in books is the way...


This book is written in here, mostly from Facebook snippets.   The narrative arch is what needs to be added into this prose.  I am basically going to take a few of the incidents that I tell about, and show them.   Write a few scenes out.

The book is supposed to be taking place now, to the point that I add current events.   Underneath what I write about X is the truth of what I know of how politics works, and intelligence.   But I also want to be able to speculate, and take this character into what I think of as The Future.   I have been writing about this character since 2007.....  from the moment I kind of started discovering Political Power.

The oddest part of the X story is not the fiction, but the truth.   The problem is, I do not have the full truth and nothing but the truth.  This is one reason why X has to speculate, and why I have to take refugee in fiction, or Gonzo Journalism if you will, at times.

Funny, having trained myself to write about a lot of different characters, priding myself in having all these narrative voices, writing hundreds of short stories about folk who live quite differently than my own,
I still find myself constantly mistaken for someone I am not.

I expect my work to be provocative, but that is all.   There are not enough excuses in the world for most violence.  That is the God's honest truth.   I have to have a contract with my readers that we understand that about one another.  I would hope most writers of good conscious feel that way.

Obviously, I believe in the Pen, not the sword.  I am a writer... duh.   I made my choice long ago, when books civilized me, helped the world make sense, gave me a strong moral compass, that while sometimes it makes me feel like shit over the guilt, by and large keeps me on the narrow path I choose.  In fact, this is why X, like myself, writes above ground, because he will never do anything violent.  He talks about it all the time, how that is how he was trained by Dr. Stern, his mentor.   That is his bent, too.   He is a law  abiding person, who just happened to get swept up in a movement.

X's army came into being after Bush stole two elections, and people were worried the Republicans were going to steal another one.   Of course, his story at this point in the narrative is just like my own story, to some degree.   I was in the Blog Wars at that time, as they called them.  Very political time...  happy to help Obama along, and kind of revived with politics, and driven by a general disgust with what was going on with the Neo Cons....   I was so glad to see him elected, and he was the man of the hour, the right man at the time, and still is.   Funny, I feel like I have to criticize him, because we disagree,  but I really like Obama.  I am still rooting for him, even though I know that sounds uncool.  Why wouldn't I be?  This is way too soon to try to judge his presidency.   I like a lot of what they did.   I do.   He has passed a lot of legislation.   I write essays about all that as they pass through the news cycle, try to give a balanced view of how I feel.

I don't think one should criticize all the time without giving praise where it is due...

Funny, before this I avoided politics for about twenty years, to some degree.   I was more interested in art, literature.  The Reagan Revolution had strung up my political idealism in the 80's.    I was getting a lot of fiction done, too.  Comedy stories.  Very productive.  Just before the Radio Show, which I decided to use for political purposes... which led back into writing more directly about politics.

Funny, my old editor, of fifteen years, did not like when I put anything TOPICAL in my work.... because she thought it would not stand the test of time.  A bit old fashioned, maybe, but good advice from a writing teacher, and it does help keep older work reading like it is current.    When She gave me this advice,  I had not yet started writing for the internet.  I was publishing short stories and fiction, writing comedy skits.

To continue the X narrative.   He starts out... during Bush gets all these contacts....  X proves himself to the country before any of this happens?   He comes to the aide of the president, who he does not even like, when he suspects there is a plot against them...   He hates violence and will not tolerate it in anyone around him, and people respect that.

I will start that book with a brief Bio of the character, bringing the reader up to speed.   X writes on the internet, so it is easy for him to tell his tale.  HE IS WRITING FROM BEING UNDER HOUSE ARREST.

On a website.   So, the first person narrative.  The tricky part is making sure that I do not hide the truth of my story too far under the fiction... where no one will hardly notice it at all... in fact, I could be obscuring what I really want to get across if I get all technical about it, as I am going to today.

But I still want to write about X as more of a Romantic Character than I am.   He is more of a survivalist than I am.  He is committed to living on beyond any economic decay, and fighting the good fight no matter what happens... in a way, he is very positive.  He thinks the world can change, non --violently, in most places... and especially in the USA, where he dreads any thought of a bloody revolution.   He is committed to doing anything to stopping such developments.

X describes himself like the Open and Legal part of the IRA, the political party that shuns violence, and tries to work in the system.   This is an exaggeration, a metaphor and a half.... I hope I never meet anyone from an underground terrorist organization, personally.    I do know also that radicals who believe they are fighting something of an economic class war in this world,  are split into a lot of camps.   I cannot speak for every country in the world, or every conflict, though.  I would be a fool to say that only non-violence works.  I  am too old not to see that violence is part of politics, and the world is at war in various places today, but that is not being fought here in the USA.   Thank God.

So X has to straddle the fence.  HE IS ALSO NOT ABOVE using his soldier to barter.  Like Wikkileaks saying they will release documents.  It is understood that X has followers who retaliate if certain things happen to him.  He has even tried to stop this, to no avail, actually....  but he is not the head of his army.

That is another thing about X.   He knows he is not in control of everyone.  A lot of people he works with would resent him if he started giving too many orders.... but they take them, if they can.

There is a serious overlap between  X and The Preacher, the narrator of the New Jesus Book, in that both write for readers who know their tale,  and others who do not.   I will probably have to edit more of that out of X, actually.

Another stated purpose that X has for putting a book together is make a small book of revolutionary slogans. THIS IS WHERE facebook came in very handy.   I have a lot of great statements by X.   Some of the best political thinking I have ever done is distilled in his quotes.   I have them all rather sloppily in here right now.

and feels like shit about it, but it comes in handy when the Gov.  almost decides to kill him and riots break out....  Again, no, that did not happen to me.  

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one of my very sorry little attempts to show my oil paintings, pets, girl...

a new mural in rodgers park... and picking up poo and sniffing pee

m and i take a trip down to the bean sculpture... here in Chicago...

Click on the side of the videos and it should take you to utube, where you can view the entire video.

Ruby dog fights the mighty dash... click on video to watch at utube

Thank YOU for over a half million hits at my various sites ... new counter.

one war

The collected john scott ridgway

The collected john scott ridgway
a demented little entry into philosophy, humour and redemption.,

the elves attic

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