- John Scott RidgwayAs the Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz points out, in the past 10 years the income of the top 1% has risen by 18%, while that of blue-collar male workers has fallen by 12%.THE OCCUPATION OF WALL STREET IS TRYING TO START A DISCUSSION ON HOW WE THE NINETY NINE PERCENT ARE GOING TO STOP THE THEFT FROM THE POOR... THE COST CUTTING THAT ALWAYS COMES FROM THE WEAKEST, LEAST REPRESENTED BY LOBBYISTS... CHILDREN, THE ELDERLY, the sick and dying... THE LACK OF SHAME disgusts me more than anything else. THE STEAL AND STEAL AND STEAL and we point out they have declared a class war on us, we point it out and they make like we are declaring war on them.... THIS IS A COUNTER ATTACK YOU RICH BITCHES AND YOU won THIS ROUND.... WE HOWEVER WILL WIN THE WAR.A Billionaires' Coup in the USwww.commondreams.orgThere are two ways of cutting a deficit: raising taxes or reducing spending. Raising taxes means taking money from the rich. Cutting spending means taking money from the poor. Not in all cases of course: some taxation is regressive; some state spending takes money from ordinary citizens and gives it...Like · · Share · September 23 at 7:24pm
- Pamela Wolfe Little, George Arnold and Tracey L Buchanan like this.
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- John Scott Ridgway
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i DO NOT MEAN TO SLAM ANYONE IN PARTICULAR... when I come out and say grown men who go around acting tough all the time and use ART TO PROMOTE A LIFESTYLE OF MATERIAL WORSHIP... are getting people killed everyday. i am saying, inspiring little kids to be thugs and worship money? LACK OF AN EDUCATION IS NOT REASON ENOUGH TO BE THIS STUPID. Thugs are thugs... nothing cool about jail, nothing cool about shooting little kids, nothing cool about HUMAN TRAFFICKING... . NOTICE THEse rich gangster rappers DO OT RAISE THEIR KIDS IN THE HARD STREETS.... they know better, though for money they inspire others to do this. IT IS ONE THING TO TELL YOUR STORY, AND IT is ANOTHER TO INSPIRE PEOPLE LIVE IT... AND YOU WILL.... THE POWER FOR THE MEDIA AND MUSIC IS GOD'S.... so step lightly.
DO NOT MEAN TO SLAM ANYONE IN PARTICULAR... when I come out and say grown men who go around acting tough all the time and use ART TO PROMOTE A LIFESTYLE OF MATERIAL WORSHIP... are getting people killed everyday. i am saying, inspiring little kids to be thugs and worship money? LACK OF AN EDUCATION IS NOT REASON ENOUGH TO BE THIS STUPID. Thugs are thugs... nothing cool about jail, nothing cool about shooting little kids, nothing cool about HUMAN TRAFFICKING... . NOTICE THEse rich gangster rappers DO OT RAISE THEIR KIDS IN THE HARD STREETS.... they know better, though for money they inspire others to do this. IT IS ONE THING TO TELL YOUR STORY, AND IT is ANOTHER TO INSPIRE PEOPLE LIVE IT... AND YOU WILL.... THE POWER FOR THE MEDIA AND MUSIC IS GOD'S.... so step lightly.
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i DO NOT MEAN TO SLAM ANYONE IN PARTICULAR... when I come out and say grown men who go around acting tough all the time and use ART TO PROMOTE A LIFESTYLE OF MATERIAL WORSHIP... are getting people killed everyday. i am saying, inspiring little kids to be thugs and worship money? LACK OF AN EDUCATION IS NOT REASON ENOUGH TO BE THIS STUPID. Thugs are thugs... nothing cool about jail, nothing cool about shooting little kids, nothing cool about HUMAN TRAFFICKING... . NOTICE THEse rich gangster rappers DO OT RAISE THEIR KIDS IN THE HARD STREETS.... they know better, though for money they inspire others to do this. IT IS ONE THING TO TELL YOUR STORY, AND IT is ANOTHER TO INSPIRE PEOPLE LIVE IT... AND YOU WILL.... THE POWER FOR THE MEDIA AND MUSIC IS GOD'S.... so step lightly.
I like this 99 percenter tag. Drives home the odds we have ... ninety nine to one... if we do not kick the asses of the top one percent and take back our stolen wealth, it is our own damn fault. Period. Simple math says we can get our way simply by standing up and saying NO MORE. WE THE WORKING CLASS RUN THE WORLD. NOT THE PREDATORS ON WALL STREET OR THE BANKS WHO MAKE MONEY OFF OR OUR SWEAT AND BLOOD. THEY DESERVE NOTHING. PARASITES. PERIOD. GET RID OF THE ONE PERCENT, AND REDISTRIBUTE THEIR WEALTH AND EVERY FAMILY IN THIS COUNTRY COULD START OUT WITH A QUARTER MILLION DOLLARS. YOU WANT TO JUMP START AN ECONOMY... try this. Statistics from a Stanford Nobel Winning Economist, by the way... on the two hundred fifty k.... and sure, that is never going to happen, but a fifty percent tax is CHEAP FOR THE RIGHT TO LIVE LIKE THEY DO IN THIS COUNTRY.
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FINISHED THIS PAINTING THIS MORNING... will put up better pictures when M. is home... she is not letting me touch her cameras anymore.
- John Scott RidgwayThe SECRET I REALLY NEVER WANTED ANYONE TO KNOW.... came to me last night... laying in bed trying to fight the physical pains of the wounds I basically leave out of this writing... and realizing with a few tears filling my eyes that I NEVER WANTED PEOPLE TO KNOW I LOVE EVERYONE.... everyone. MOST OF THE TIME... my job requires letting people know about my friends, who, however, have none of my qualms. Life has required them to harden in ways my art has left me unscathed. I lose my ability to laugh, die. I lose my ability to cry, my heart will die and this world does not want me around if that happens... I am too dangerous. To stay sane enough to use power without abusing the dark forces, I have to stay on BUDDHA'S MIDDLE PATH (all religions have one)... that means that I must love everyone, even those I may have to one day kill....Wall PhotosLike · · Share · Sunday at 10:20am
- Jamie Lin Storey likes this.
- Jamie Lin Storey oh! I am fluent in Middle English especially of the Saxton clan.Sunday at 2:48pm · Unlike · 1 person
- John Scott RidgwayI will walk into Hell itself with a grim smile, knowing all they can do is take this temporary flesh... I've LIVED AND DIED a million times on this evolution up from mud... a few more times won't hurt. I will just return and gather the same souls that have fought with me in times past, and continue my war.... and the prophecies are with me, not you.... and NOW THE PEOPLE ARE WITH ME, not you... TIME FOR SOME FUN.... IF YOU EVER HURT MY BROTHERS OR SISTERS.... YOU'D BETTER START YOUR RUN NOW. Big Brother is getting out of prison...
- Am i the only christian in history besides the quaker's to notice that JESUS NEVER ONCE SAID MAKE WAR ON PEOPLE WHO DO NOT BELIEVE IN ME... NOT FUCKING ONCE.Jesus really expected people to act on His Words, not use them as bullets. Could someone please inform christians in the army and right wing churches that this has been the same since their MESSIAH WALKED IN ISRAEL and refused to lead a violent revolution there, and is not going to change... Revelations does not talk about Christians banding together with guns to 'help Jesus.' --- IF YOU THINK JESUS NEEDS ANY HELP, YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW HE WORKS THROUGH YOU, OR WHAT HE IS... LET ALONE WHAT YOU ARE. Do you need the help of ants to breath? Yes, it could be argued... Jesus I think can handle his own shit with that flaming sword he said he was coming back with.Wall Photos
- John Scott RidgwayThe government should be salivating over the tax money that we are presently funneling to criminal gangs with large scale pot operations -- and while many would argue that these criminals will spend the money more responsibly than the even bigger crooks in Washington, I still like to believe that funding schools is more important than paying for a mansion and a yacht for some paramilitary drug lord... and the government is doing a better job of it so far than the Meddelin Cartel ever did. But the facts... those are not what the Politicians want to deal with... they prefer polls. And they wonder why the respect they get from people is at an all time low, and some pretender to John Wayne's dubious throne rides out of Texas, and actually finds people willing to consider voting for that rather low budget dog and pony show??? It is because the respect you deserve is at an all time low. WE ARE NO LONGER FOOLED BY THE LIES THAT THE POLITICIANS SPEW AND HUNGER FOR THE TRUTH... YOU WILL PROVIDE AS MUCH OR BE REPLACED.... that is our vow to you, corporate puppet people.
- Anyone who tries to FASCIST The RIGHT OF AN AN ANIMAL SPECIES FROM ALTERING THEIR CONSCIOUSNESS, WHEN they are as smart and resourceful as humans, will LOSE IN THE END.... and the USA IS Fighting GOOD, LAW ABIDING CITIZENS THEY WOULD NEVER THINK TO ARREST FOR DRINKING A SIX PACK AT HOME ON A SATURDAY AFTERNOON, who end up in prison because they CHOOSE A MILDER DRUG THAT IS BETTER FOR THEM....Stating the obvious gets ALMOST as old as reading it but.... come on people.... come...on... already. The government should be salivating over the tax money that we are presently funneling to criminals--who some will argue may spend the money more responsibly, though I however am not always one of them. The Politicians have to start showing sanity once in awhile or no one is going to believe they have any left at all...
- John Scott RidgwayAn African tribe uses a drug that allows them to LAY IN the bush for days waiting on prey... Ibogaine, I believe, that causes in higher doses people to find their lives flashing before their eyes, not quickly, but over the course of a day... they have found, often heroin addicts and drunks glimpse their own selves with such great insight that never use drugs as destructive to them personally again.... ignoring this digression and trudging on.... sometimes the only thing the African hunters got -- after laying there in the cold damp grass and scorch of sun all day feeling the pangs of their own hunger mainly as areminder of the starving children at home --- was a good Buzz. That had to be enough.Almost all all animals in the wild have some way of getting a buzz, elephants, cows, chimps, birds... anyone who oppresses your decision to smoke pot is going after millions of years of evolution; not only the science why Hemp should replace trees and many others sources of paper, and fabric, and God the list is endless, that we could grow up in a summer....I have made the decision not to be confined to merely one, sober state of mind, and choose a mild drug for my little journey. Anyone who tries to FASCIST THIS RIGHT AWAY FROM PEOPLE WILL LOSE IN THE END.... and the USA IS Fighting GOOD, LAW ABIDING CITIZENS THEY WOULD NEVER THINK TO ARREST FOR DRINKING A SIX PACK AT HOME ON A SATURDAY AFTERNOON, who end up in prison because they CHOOSE A MILDER DRUG THAT IS BETTER FOR THEM.... I know stating the obvious gets almost as old as reading it but.... come people.... come...on... already. The government should be salivating over the tax money that we are presently funneling to criminals.... who some will argue may spend the money more responsibly, though I however am not always one of them....Wall PhotosLike · · Share · Saturday at 6:28pm
- John Scott RidgwayThe Center for Biological Diversity has launched an advocacy campaign pegged to the 7 billion mark to highlight overpopulation and its impact on endangered plants and animals. As part of the "7 Billion and Counting" campaign, the center is giving out 100,000 endangered species condoms to a network of 1,200 volunteer distributors in all 50 states.okay, i am not wearing a condom with endangered animals on them, alright? That kind of 'soft' activism is outrageous. They should be making Spotted Owl Vibrators if they really want to get people excited about saving endangered species.World Population Expected To Hit 7 Billion On Halloweenwww.huffingtonpost.comYou should expect more than ghosts, spirits and candy when Halloween arrives this year. On October 31, 2011, the world will welcome its seven billionth person, according to the United Nations Population Fund.Like ·
- John Scott RidgwayMost people are afraid to tangle with me. Not because I am some big bad asshole, BECAUSE I WIN. In the end, against miraculous odds... which in the end are hard people doing hard things in a hard world and i thank you all, always humbled by your allowing me to participate in this grand
- We say we are going to stop all this bullying of children, and yet we let them c...See MoreBy: John Scott RidgwayLike · · Share · Saturday at 4:22pm
- John Scott Ridgway shared his own photo.Wall PhotosTHE QUESTION is no longer... will the kittens get in any paint today? Morphinginto, WHICH ONE WILL GET IN PAINT FIRST, HOW BAD WILL it BE, how long will I follow them around with a mop trying to catch them, AND then HOW MANY CUTS WILL I SUFFER DURING THE SUBSEQUENT BATTLE OF THE BATH???? SAY NOT I HAVE NEVER SUFFERED FOR MY ART DEaR WORLD... say this not...By: John Scott RidgwayLike · · Share · Saturday at 4:19pm
- Robin Stouder, Kshitij Verma and Jenny Earthling like this.
- John Scott Ridgway"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, THEN YOU WIN."GandhiNO TRUER STATEMENT... THESE ROACHES I AM AT WAR WITH CANNOT AFFORD TO COME OUT IN THE OPEN BECAUS
- "As a military intelligence major..." on Stephanie Hunter's photo.
- John is now friends with Ayyub Mahmoud and 4 other people.
- John Scott RidgwayLaurel Krause: "JUST LEFT MY MESSAGE for NYC Mayor Bloomberg: RELEASE all arrested #OccupyWallStreet protestors, including Marissa from their media team. Mayor Bloomberg: Do not allow this peaceful youth protest to go wrong like Kent State, May 4th. LEAVE YOUR MESSAGE at the Office of NYC Mayor Bloomberg ~ 212-788-3000."Just read someone write we are trying to turn the police in the USA into the military, and the military into the police in other countries... how sadly true, and reversible.COME TOGETHER...RIGHT NOW...OVER ME.... the beatles.
- SOUNDS like this could be worth listening to, supporting, etc...globalrevolutionwww.livestream.comglobalrevolution on Livestream. Global Revolution brings you live stream video coverage from independent journalists on the ground at nonviolent protests around the world. The team includes members of Mobile Broadcast News, Glassbead Collective, Twin Cities Indymedia and the alt.media ninjas that br...
- TEN YEARS LATER WE WATCH BUSH COME OUT OF HIS HIDING HOLE AND WALK WITH THE PRESIDENT ON THE SITE OF 9-11 WHERE HE HELPED MURDER SO MANY... a WALK WE SHOULD ALL BE ASHAMED OF SITTING BACK AND NOT VOMITING ON EVERYONE INVOLVED OUT OF SHEER DISGUST...there is no statue of limitations on murder here, let alone in once longed for ABOVE (by now I suspect he is trying to scramble to the other side to protect his ass... I always thought he would look more natural with HORNS.
- dreams of a blue world long going gray...I AM just walking the dog and taking picture, featuring some of the artist's from the ARTIST'S WALK, including Lewis Lain's new one.By: John Scott RidgwayLike · · Share · Saturday at 1:59pm
- Angela De Courseulles Soares likes this.
- John Scott RidgwayI will maintain my policy of staying as far away FROM g bUSH'S SKANK ASS as is humanly possible. I hate him too much to put myself through the emotional experience... though I would be out protesting him otherwise... this is a gap where again, the people, and my organization, have to fill because the politico's and the law have done NOTHING... STILL, Some things must be left to law enforcement, who are the people I THROW DOWN THE GAUNTLET IN FRONT OF AND ASK TO STOP THE REAL CRIMINALS... NOW... IN OUR TIME... NINE ELEVEN killed these brothers and sisters you speak of loving, too... God Bless their souls.... Now, it is time, we TAKE THE MASKs OFF THE MONSTERS, INSTEAD OF ALLOWING THEM TO ROAM OUR FUTURES, KILLING OFF OUR CHILDREN. Sometimes you have to do what is right, NOT WHAT YOU ARE TOLD....Wall PhotosLike · · Share · Saturday at 1:32pm
- Shunned Molested Catholics and Eric Smith like this.
- John Scott RidgwayThe Government may have just killed off one too many WHISTLE BLOWER when they MURDERED Seal Team Six to silence the brave Seal who talked to the press about their SHOOT TO KILL orders, on a mission that co-incides with the first trial about 9-11 being an inside false flag going on down in Texas, land without justice, where one of Bush's cousins refuses to recuse himself from the case... says there is no conflict of interest -- NO, WE KNOW HIS INTEREST HAS NO CONFLICT -- HE IS PROTECTING ONE OF THE WORST LIES THIS NATION HAS EVER BEEN ASKED TO SIT BACK AND LET BE A BLOODY, DYING ELEPHANT IN OUR LIVING ROOMS FOREVER.... I think not. VENGEANCE IS MINE SAYETH THE LORD AND GOD IS THE LAW AND YOU ARE NO MORE ABOVE THE LAW THAN YOU ARE ABOVE GOD.... COMING FOR YOU BUSH BITCHES... BEST VAS' UP NOW
- OUR OH SO BRAVE LIBERALS IN THE PRESS STAY AWAY FROM THIS ONE.. another shot in the old stupid ignorant propaganda that the press is actually allowed to be liberal at all... when it comes to real issues, like nine eleven and our need to socialize.Saturday at 1:22pm · Unlike · 1 person
- John Scott RidgwayJust kidding about the vasoline part... I will maintain, probably until the day I will maintain my policy of staying as far away from that man'S SKANK ASS as is humanly possible. I hate him too much to put myself through the emotional exp...See MoreSaturday at 1:28pm · Unlike · 1 person
- John Scott Ridgway" 'Vengeance is mine,' sayeth the Lord." He doesn't say what sword he will use... maybe he means you? Whether you believe in the words of our Father's and Mother's books of faith or not, we HAVE TO WIN NOW. IN OUR TIME. ONLY YOU CAN STOP THE ELITE.The phrase CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE STARTS WITH the word CIVIL, REMEMBER. Violence will only drive the people from your side... which is the opposite of what a thriving movement does. Let your better angels rise, whether you call them that or your sanest, wise arch-types, the ones you buried under the simpering personality required as you climb the corporate ladder, in often vain attempts to raise your children with a bit of dignity and peace. That shit ends in my generation.y
- Castiel became God and went around the country smiting hypocritical ministers, making the point God could care less about sexuality, and then going after motivational speakers... echoing all these THINGS MY JESUS DOES ON MY BLOG... interesting. I am glad we think alike. The last season and this one so far are incredible tv... the war between heaven hell, the great Miltonian Drama with a lot of new spins and takes, being played out on tv, on cw... great acting, great writing... you cannot ask more of tv. TRUE PIONEERS... WATCH THEM BE COPIED... EVERYWHERE.. more than likely, taking the vampire and werewolf metaphors into the realms of real good and evil.... or at least metaphors of them, should they exist in any purity, and are not just the mixed bag that we humans simply are.'Supernatural' Season 7 pics: Castiel plays God, Sam bucklesblog.zap2it.comAs Castiel seeks vengeance on the angels who betrayed him during the civil war in Heaven, he believes he’s on a righteous path -- but the consequences of his mission could be terrible.Like · · Share · Saturday at 12:44pm
- John Scott RidgwayTHE QUESTION is no longer... will the kittens get in any paint today? Morphing into, WHICH ONE WILL GET IN PAINT FIRST, HOW BAD WILL it BE, how long will I follow them around with a mop trying to catch them, AND then HOW MANY CUTS WILL I SUFFER DURING THE SUBSEQUENT BATTLE OF THE BATH???? SAY NOT I HAVE NEVER SUFFERED FOR MY ART DEaR WORLD... say this not...
Often AWAKE people do not believe the masses can think for themselves. I think they could if they were told the truth... and it was not like now, where there is one world on the web and another on tv... reality fighting hyper reality. Guess which one will win? TV. Or the web will become tv..
- ONY BENNET, GOD LOVE HIM, GAVE THE WW2 SOLDIER PERSPECTIVE ON 9-11.... WE BOMBED THEM, THEY BOMBED US BACK. Even though I think he is in the hyper-reality thinking 'they' did anything to 'us,' his blunt perspective on this matter is a lot more realistic than people who act like the united states is free of blame for our often BRUTAL FOREIGN POLICY. Just thought I would send the good man some love after the media hysteria following his pragmatic, honest, soldierly perspective on 9-11....Like · · September 23 at 12:53pm
- John Scott RidgwayFROM THE HUFFPOST'S ARTICLE ON THE IGNORED SPEECH AT THE UN THAT EVERY AMERICAN SHOULD HAVE HEARD. IRAN IS VERY IMPORTANT TO WORLD PEACE. They will be our friend in the end... but not our lackey. I respect that."Approximately 3 billion people of the world live on less than 2.5 dollars a day, over 200 million live without even one sufficient meal on a daily basis. More than twenty thousand innocent and destitute children die every day in the world due to poverty."...See MoreWall Photosi HOPE at least a few of you who follow this book of mine realize, the president asked me to write speeches, and I said take what you want, I work for issues, not politicians. He made a sweep toward the working class, his true base, and the people I work for... and yesterday started talking about how the elite declared class war on the working people... you can pretty much read portions of his speeches right here on this feed long before they hit the tv, or just before. It is fun. And why I have put off my broadcast to see how this plays out... the first FACEBOOK think tank open to all comers. Listened to by heads of states around the world, militaries... etc... and disparaged occasionally by people who come in on the middle of the story and without context for my lines, they take them far away from anything i mean, and run back into their hyper-reality without accepting my beckon down this here rabbit hole....I don't care... this life ain't for cowards.i AM not bragging here people... I FIRMLY BELIEVE WE ALL NEED AS MUCH HELP AS POSSIBLE TO ESCAPE THIS FOREST OF LIES... SO i WRITE ABOUT what most would HIDE, OR PUT IN FILES TOP SECRETed away FOR FIFTY YEARS... and I thank all of my readers and sharers and teachers and likers and critics on Facebook for aiding in my education immensely, as I try to surf on hard rough waves of intelligence coming at me from all sides and wipe out occasionally...I also have to say it was funny seeing Obama try to use the line I AM A WARRIOR FOR THE WORKING CLASS. He is almost too professorial for such treacle lines. I love them... he needs to work on his angry pronouncements. He relies at times on that frown and silence afterwards while the applause dies down. I think he is afraid of his own anger, or long ago channeled it in ways less perceivable, which makes sense, considering he was a black man rising in a white political world, and had to appear as nonthreatening as possible both as a community organizer, and a politician. He needs to use his other archtypes now... especially the warrior. — with Adam Beat.The USA still has the power to be a Flaming Phoenix rising from the ashes of the elite.... NEVER GIVE UP. NEVER SURRENDER. NEVER LET YOUR GUARD DOWN.
s a military intelligence major and still active intelligence, with a specialty in brainwashing and cult creations, i respectfully disagree, sir. YOU CAN MAKE PEOPLE THINK. THE USA TURNED THEIR PROPAGANDA MACHINE BUILT IN WW2 (often by operation Paper Clip Nazi's...) on their own PEOPLE. And they have been making people THINK ever since. THIS IS TOTAL WAR FOR TOTAL PEACE fights fire with fire. I took the weapons they taught me, learned their secrets, and left to raise a resistance that presently claims officials in over 80 countries. You want to know the truth, look to the INTELLIGENCE WHISTLE BLOWERS... WE ARE ENCOURAGING ACTIVE SPIES, SOLDIERS, AND LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIALS TO TURN ON THEIR MASTERS. Watch my feed to see what is really going on. You hear that a lot but I am an academic and my experiences were witnessed, not in a utube movie, but in my own life.
s a military intelligence major and still active intelligence, with a specialty in brainwashing and cult creations, i respectfully disagree, sir. YOU CAN MAKE PEOPLE THINK. THE USA TURNED THEIR PROPAGANDA MACHINE BUILT IN WW2 (often by operation Paper Clip Nazi's...) on their own PEOPLE. And they have been making people THINK ever since. THIS IS TOTAL WAR FOR TOTAL PEACE --fights fire with fire. I took the weapons they taught me, learned their secrets, and left to raise a resistance that presently claims officials in over 80 countries. You want to know the truth, look to the INTELLIGENCE WHISTLE BLOWERS... WE ARE ENCOURAGING ACTIVE SPIES, SOLDIERS, AND LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIALS TO TURN ON THEIR MASTERS. Watch my feed to see what is really going on. You hear that a lot but I am an academic and my experiences were witnessed, not in a utube movie, but in my own life.
THE ELITE SHOULD UNDERSTAND WE WILL NO Longer ALLOW THEIR RABID DOGS TO kill anymore SEALS. SLAUGHTER THE CHILDREN OF LEFTEST POLITICIANS (THE NORWAY MURDERER WAS RIGHT WING MASON). I know the hell you put these men thru, the RAMBO'S YOU CREATE... I HOWEVER DO NOT FORGET THE REAL END OF FIRST BLOOD, from the book, where RAMBO IS MURDERED BY HIS SUPERIOR OFFICER.... most are just jailed and forgotten when they bring their violence home.... PTSD IS NOW EFFECTING SEVEN OUT OF TEN SOLDIERS.... that is a crises of law enforcement that is going to require KINDNESS AND KID GLOVES. That is a crises that MILITARY COURTS SHOULD BE LOOKING INTO... WHY WERE THE MINDS OF OUR SOLDIERS AND SAILORS ALLOWED TO BE DESTROYED???? Who is cruel and stupid enough to do this? NEO-CONS.
This time we are firing anti-aircraft missiles and M-16's into the air... but the threat is the same. WE WILL ENTER THE CITY AND TAKE WITH THE BRUTALITY OF SOLDIERS OR THE POLITICIANS AND THE WEALTHY WILL DO THEIR JOB IN THIS Democracy... and honor those who fight and die to make our WONDROUS LIVES IN THIS RICH, FAT COUNTRY POSSIBLE.

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