A word peddler approaches the market place
pulls a few sentences from his cart
sets up a sign out front reading
he specializes in porn written about and for children
sells their souls to make a few bucks
cares more about the car he drives than the minds
we raise the young on the heros and villians versions
of the mental dream
the judgement of the Powerful spewed out in comic books and puppet shows
Christ was a loser
An outlaw
he died for opening up another way of being
now they use him to reinforce the mental madness
the petty judgement of the many against the few
whatever is different is instinctually hated
sad fact of the ape that often destroys this thing we call man
sends 6 millions jews into the gas chamber
sent the Nigerian army into a mosque today to kill some Islamic Extremists
I sit spinning in the middle of a merry go round trying to watch all sides at once
vomiting from the effects
sickened unto death by the myriad of uses of God
ask myself questions like...
how can there be a soul in one animal
and not in another?
The Hindu answer that humans are there in the cows
The Egyptians filled the cats with Gods
In the middle ages witch hunts they killed millions of cats
thinking they were filled with demons who spoiled their fucking milk
We have the same brains they used
The same impulses
The same reliance on myths
The same inability to admit we are living within fictions
Stripped down and bare
exposed in all our inglorious despair
the nights our thoughts stop us from reaching sleep
strand us in our own nothingness
We want a God there with us
A being outside
Walt Whitman made up an other of his self
The astral projections showed me there is a soul inside this flesh
something that can leave
No illusion that... took me a year of practice to fly around my living room
I want to believe it leaves this planet
Want to believe I am a voyager
Stranded breifly in flesh
The animals must have souls too I tell myself
Why not?
It is all a dream MY DREAM
Why not dream what I WILL
I AM dammit
that much is true
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