M. and I were talking outside our back door yesterday, when I looked up to see some guy, on the sidewalk, taking pictures of us. I walked over to him, saying a friendly hello, and he kept snapping pictures of me until I was right up on him, then jumped on his bike and took off alll afraid of me. With Good Reason. I would have pounded his fucking head on the pavement, kept him alive just long enough to tell me who he is working with. UNDERSTAND THIS LITTLE B... I... ITCH, I SEE YOU AGAIN I WILL RUN YOUR ASS DOWN. Short grey hair speckled black, about 170 pounds, 5 6 or so... pudgy little COWARD.
If someone wants my picture, ask me. I do not care if you are some right wing citizens survaillance group, or the Star. I could give a fuck about what people honestly do right now. Hiding behind stupid paparrazzi practices is going to get one of you killed around me. Alright has one on THE PSYCHO KILLER'S SHIT LIST... though since I know someone else was behind this, for whatever reason... so I just want his balls cut off.
NO ONE FREAKS OUT MY GIRLFREIND LIKE THIS. Stay the hell away from her. THIS BATTLE IS BETWEEN YOU AND ME... NOT HER. I know there is all kinds of shit going around about who she works for, really. I do not care. I love this woman, for whatever faults she has. Who I love is my business, not yours. Even is she is working against me, which I do not believe me, personally... though she did some very suspicious things during my campaign, temporarily being manipulated by the intelligence communities is not enough to make me hate her. And I am fiercly protective of my own. Period.
I know you surrepticiously photo me all over the place. I cannot stop this. I have had to stop caring about what you do. I will not let you defeat me by freaking me out. I am a lot tougher than you cowards. My sanity is intact, and always will be. I have greater protection than you fucks want to contemplate. I have withstood your druggings, making me homeless, putting me on some damn live feed from hell, etc... you used your devices to cause me pain, make me puke... What makes you think I am going to go down now? I do not know what is going on in the larger world. There is a tight censorship on the press right now, or at least that which reaches my computer. I imagine they are saying National Security Concerns. They are so afraid I will sue them and expose them that they made it illegal to sue if the government decides the case would expose national security secrets.
Pretty convienant that this happens right when I am doing anything to shatter this wall of absurdity they have built up around me. Make no mistake, I am imprisoned. Those who know know what I am talking about, and I apologize to anyone who virginly came into this entry, because this one will just freak you out and cause either denial that I am truthful, or too much fear to come back here. Logical conclusions that do not apply. You need to know this shit, because we are talking about a great scandal that will change politics, and they are drastically afraid to lost their power and be replaced by people who serve the people, instead of self-interest (we need to get the self-interested out of politics all together by making them unpaid, temporary positions -- or some kind of stipend that lets the middle and lower economic stratisfer in on a game they are presently excluded from).
Dangerous ideas that require drastic social action to instigate. The kind of changes where only by bringing the cops and military into our ranks, will we have aby chance to proceed. Yes, I know there are problems in the over-all scheme I am hatching... work them out. We are going down that road to socialism with capatilist free-zones, man, and there is no getting off of this marxist train.
This kind of thinking makes me hated. Well, if someone has to be hated to keep these ideas in circulation, fine... I will take the heat.
Back to the guy who was taking pictures...
You think I am kidding about what I will do? Consider me armed from now on.
By the way, my beloved crazy assholes out there, I do not really want this guys balls... one will do.
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